There was only ten minutes in between the junior varsity and the varsity game. Ten minutes to explain how the scoreboard which was dedicated to my brother came to be. Ten minutes to leave people with a sense of who he was and why he mattered to so many people. Neal Curland spoke first. He thanked all the people who made this happen. It went something like this...The Windham High School gym was beautifully renovated but there were only enough funds for one scoreboard. One. People were disappointed. Chatter began. Neal hatched an idea, went to the Board of Ed and got their support. Unusual, yes. But let's just say, Neal was highly motivated. Why did one basketball player have such an impact that once Neal's idea was hatched to raise funds for the second scoreboard, $7,000 was raised in a matter of weeks? By the way, all of this was done without contacting our family. And those who donated? They have zero interest in being named. None. It was the best kept secret of the ...